Landing Web Site

"Where Did We Come From?"



Person Page 54

Theodore Trudell

M, #1326, b. about 1859
Last Edited 28 September 2014

Life Events

Birthabout 1859Theodore Trudell was born about 1859 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA.1


  1. [S25] , ., CD-ROM (.)

Nicolas Garland

M, #1327, b. about 1832
Last Edited 28 September 2014

Life Events

Birthabout 1832Nicolas Garland was born about 1832 in Ireland.1


  1. [S25] , ., CD-ROM (.)

William Olfield

M, #1328, b. about 1824
Last Edited 28 September 2014

Life Events

Birthabout 1824William Olfield was born about 1824 in PA.1


  1. [S25] , ., CD-ROM (.)

John Stevenson

M, #1329, b. before 4 April 1825
Last Edited 18 January 2015

Life Events

Birthbefore 4 April 1825John Stevenson was born before 4 April 1825.
Land Purchase4 April 1825On 4 April 1825,Rachel Landing purchased 86 acres, part of two tracts of land called "Welsh Folly" and "Milton's Security" for $250.00.1


  1. [S27] Worcester County Maryland Court Land Records: Microfilm # CR 37394-3 (third set of records on Fil Liber AQ 1823, pages 383-384, Worcester County Court House, One West Market Street, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863. Hereinafter cited as Worcester County Land Recs.

Levin Townsend

M, #1330
Last Edited 28 September 2014

Life Events

Land Purchase31 July 1830On 31 July 1830,145 acres (property of Daniel Maddox), that tract or parcel of land called "Bradshaw's Purchase" for $175.00.1


  1. [S27] Worcester County Maryland Court Land Records: Deed from Levin Townsend AW 1830 page 255, Worcester County Court House, One West Market Street, Snow Hill, Maryland 21863. Hereinafter cited as Worcester County Land Recs.
Family Chart

Handy Blades

M, #1331
Last Edited 25 July 2020

Life Events

Marriage19 March 1799Handy Blades and Comfort Blades were married on 19 March 1799 in Worcester County, Maryland.1
Census 18106 August 1810Handy Blades was listed in the census of 1810 in Worcester, Maryland, United States. Census Details: Free white males under 10: 1, free white males 10 thru 15 years of age: 0, free white males 16 thru 25 years of age: 1, free white males 26 thru 44 years of age: 0, free white males 45 and over years of age: 0, Free white females under 10: 0, free white females 10 thru 15 years of age: 0, free white females 16 thru 25 years of age: 0, free white females 26 thru 44 years of age: 1, free white females 45 and over years of age: 0, all other free persons: 0, slaves: 0.2
Land Purchase27 April 1814On 27 April 1814,Thomas Landen purchased from Handy Blades two tracts of land, one called Welch Folly and the other called Melton Security, both approximately 114 and a half acres. This property is located in Pitts Creek Hundred near Pocomoke City, Worcester County, Maryland. The purchase price was $150.00. This document shows his name as Thomas Landing.3


  1. [S286] Comfort Blades and Handy Blades, (19 Mar 1799), Maryland County Marriages, 1658-1940: 27; database,, Maryland
  2. [S796] 1810 U.S. Census, Maryland, United States, population schedule, Page No. 618, Handy Blades; digital image, ( : Accessed online 25 Jul 2020)
  3. [S31] Land Sales, CR 37392-4 (fourth set of records on film) Liber AE 1814, pages 50 - 52; Maryland States Archives, Annapolis, MD; physical microfilm, ( : viewed 1990).
Family Chart

Comfort Blades

F, #1332
Last Edited 8 July 2017

Spouse: Handy Blades

Life Events

Marriage19 March 1799Comfort Blades and Handy Blades were married on 19 March 1799 in Worcester County, Maryland.1
Census 18101810Comfort Blades was listed in the census of 1810 in Worcester County, Maryland, United States. In the census, Handy Blades is listed, 1 free white male under 10 years of age, 1 free white male of 16 and under 26 years of age, 1 free white female, of 26 and under 45 years of age.2


  1. [S286] Comfort Blades and Handy Blades, (19 Mar 1799), Maryland County Marriages, 1658-1940: 27; database,, Maryland
  2. [S100] 1810 United States Census, Worcester County, Maryland, populatio schedule, Image number 285, Handy Blades; digital image, ( : accessed 6 Jul 2017)
Family Chart

Pardee Landing

M, #1333, b. 1852
Last Edited 23 August 2020

Spouse: Mary Ettinger (b. 1858)

Life Events

Birth1852Pardee Landing was born in 1852 in Canada.1
MarriageHe and Mary Ettinger were married.1
Census 18801 June 1880Pardee Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Allegheny, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Census Details: (information collected on 4 Jun 1880), Line Number 13, Dwelling ID 103, Family ID 110, Pardee Landing, white, male, age 28, laborer, he was born in Canada and his parents were born in England, Mary Landing, white, female, age 22, wife, keeping house, her and both parents born in Pennsylvania.1


  1. [S1241] 1880 U.S. Census, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 27, Page 13, Line Number 38, Image 13, Dwelling ID 103, Family ID 110, Pardee Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 23 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Mary Ettinger

F, #1334, b. 1858
Last Edited 23 August 2020

Spouse: Pardee Landing (b. 1852)

Life Events

Birth1858Mary Ettinger was born in 1858 in Pennsylvania.1
MarriageShe and Pardee Landing were married.2
Alternate NameMary Ettinger was also known as Mary Landing.3
Census 18801 June 1880She was listed in the census of 1880 in Allegheny, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Census Details: (information collected on 4 Jun 1880), Line Number 13, Dwelling ID 103, Family ID 110, Pardee Landing, white, male, age 28, laborer, he was born in Canada and his parents were born in England, Mary Landing, white, female, age 22, wife, keeping house, her and both parents born in Pennsylvania.1


  1. [S1242] 1880 U.S. Census, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 27, Page 13, Line Number 38, Image 13, Dwelling ID 103, Family ID 110, Mary Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 23 Aug 2020)
  2. [S1241] 1880 U.S. Census, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 27, Page 13, Line Number 38, Image 13, Dwelling ID 103, Family ID 110, Pardee Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 23 Aug 2020)
  3. [S29] , 1880 Federal Census CD Set Morman Church., CD-ROM (Salt Lake City, Utah: Morman Church), 1880 Census Atlantic States Upstate Pennsylvania Disc 8 F-LFHL Film 1255088 National Archives Film T9-1088 Page 75A. Hereinafter cited as 1880 Federal Census CD Set Morman Church.

Annie Ettinger

F, #1335, b. 1860
Last Edited 23 August 2020

Life Events

Birth1860Annie Ettinger was born in 1860.1
Census 18801 June 1880Annie Ettinger was listed in the census of 1880 in Allegheny, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Census Details: (information collected on 4 Jun 1880), Line Number 13, Dwelling ID 103, Family ID 110, Pardee Landing, white, male, age 28, laborer, he was born in Canada and his parents were born in England, Mary Landing, white, female, age 22, wife, keeping house, her and both parents born in Pennsylvania.1


  1. [S1243] 1880 U.S. Census, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 27, Page 13, Line Number 38, Image 13, Dwelling ID 103, Family ID 110, Annie Ettinger; digital image, ( : Accessed online 23 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

John M Landing

M, #1336, b. 1835
Last Edited 20 August 2020

Spouse: Annie (b. 1844)

DaughterNellie Landing (b. 1866)
DaughterKatie Landing (b. 1867)
DaughterEmily Landing (b. 1869)
SonJohn Landing (b. 1873)
SonHarry Landing (b. 1875)
SonEddie Landing (b. 1876)
DaughterAnna Landing (b. 1879)

Life Events

Birth1835John M Landing was born in 1835 in England.1
MarriageHe and Annie were married.1
Census 18801 June 1880John M Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1134] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 19 Aug 2020)
Family Chart


F, #1337, b. 1844
Last Edited 20 August 2020

Spouse: John M Landing (b. 1835)

DaughterNellie Landing (b. 1866)
DaughterKatie Landing (b. 1867)
DaughterEmily Landing (b. 1869)
SonJohn Landing (b. 1873)
SonHarry Landing (b. 1875)
SonEddie Landing (b. 1876)
DaughterAnna Landing (b. 1879)

Life Events

Birth1844Annie was born in 1844 in England.1
MarriageShe and John M Landing were married.2
Alternate NameAnnie was also known as Annie Landing.1
Census 18801 June 1880She was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1135] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, Annie Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)
  2. [S1134] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 19 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Nellie Landing

F, #1338, b. 1866
Last Edited 20 August 2020


FatherJohn M Landing (b. 1835)
MotherAnnie (b. 1844)

Life Events

Birth1866Nellie Landing was born in 1866 in Illinois.1
Census 18801 June 1880Nellie Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1136] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, Nellie Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Katie Landing

F, #1339, b. 1867
Last Edited 20 August 2020


FatherJohn M Landing (b. 1835)
MotherAnnie (b. 1844)

Life Events

Birth1867Katie Landing was born in 1867 in Illinois.1
Census 18801 June 1880Katie Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1137] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, Katie Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Emily Landing

F, #1340, b. 1869
Last Edited 20 August 2020


FatherJohn M Landing (b. 1835)
MotherAnnie (b. 1844)

Life Events

Birth1869Emily Landing was born in 1869 in Illinois.1
Census 18801 June 1880Emily Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1138] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, Emily Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

John Landing

M, #1341, b. 1873
Last Edited 20 August 2020


FatherJohn M Landing (b. 1835)
MotherAnnie (b. 1844)

Life Events

Birth1873John Landing was born in 1873 in Illinois.1
Census 18801 June 1880John Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1139] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Harry Landing

M, #1342, b. 1875
Last Edited 20 August 2020


FatherJohn M Landing (b. 1835)
MotherAnnie (b. 1844)

Life Events

Birth1875Harry Landing was born in 1875 in Illinois.1
Census 18801 June 1880Harry Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1140] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, Harry Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Eddie Landing

M, #1343, b. 1876
Last Edited 20 August 2020


FatherJohn M Landing (b. 1835)
MotherAnnie (b. 1844)

Life Events

Birth1876Eddie Landing was born in 1876 in Illinois.1
Census 18801 June 1880Eddie Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1141] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, Eddie Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Anna Landing

F, #1344, b. 1879
Last Edited 20 August 2020


FatherJohn M Landing (b. 1835)
MotherAnnie (b. 1844)

Life Events

Birth1879Anna Landing was born in 1879 in Illinois.1
Census 18801 June 1880Anna Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Census Details: (information collected on 12 Jun 1880), Line Number 7, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, John M Landing, age 45, male, white, married, teamster, he and his parents born in England, Annie Landing, age 36, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, her and her parents born in England, Nellie, age 14, female, white, daughter, single, at home, rest of family born in Illinois, Katie Landing, age 13, female, white, daughter, single, at school, Katie, Emily and John attended school in the last year, Emily, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, at school, John Landing, age 7, male, white, son, single, at school, Harry Landing, age 5, male, white, single, son, at home, Eddie Landing, age 4, male, white, son, at home, Anna Landing, age 1, female, white, daughter, at home.1


  1. [S1142] 1880 U.S. Census, Cook County, Illinois, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 159, Page 29, Line Number 7, Image 29, Dwelling ID 361, Family ID 214, Anna Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 20 Aug 2020)

Thomas Wein

M, #1345, b. 1846
Last Edited 28 September 2014

Life Events

Birth1846Thomas Wein was born in 1846 in England.1


  1. [S29] , 1880 Federal Census CD Set Morman Church., CD-ROM (Salt Lake City, Utah: Morman Church), 1880 Census Atlantic States Upstate Illinois Disc 28FHL Film 1254197 National Archives Film T9-0197 Page 100A. Hereinafter cited as 1880 Federal Census CD Set Morman Church.
Family Chart

Lebins Landing

M, #1346, b. 1840
Last Edited 18 August 2020

Spouse: ?????? ??????

DaughterJane Landing (b. 1869)
SonPerry Landing (b. 1871)
SonWiliam Landing (b. 1874)

Life Events

Birth1840Lebins Landing was born in 1840 in Michigan.1
Census 18801 June 1880Lebins Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Spencer, Kent County, Michigan. Census Details: (information collected on 11 Jun 1880), Line Number 15, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 189, Lebins Landing, age 40, male, white, widow, farmer, he was born in Michigan, both his parents were born in England, all three children born in Michigan, Jane Landing, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, Perry Landing, age 9, male, white, son, single, Wiliam, age 6, male, white, son, single.1


  1. [S1123] 1880 U.S. Census, Kent County, Michigan, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 110, Page 19, Line Number 15, Image 19, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 184, Lebins Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 18 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Jane Landing

F, #1347, b. 1869
Last Edited 18 August 2020


FatherLebins Landing (b. 1840)
Mother?????? ??????

Life Events

Birth1869Jane Landing was born in 1869 in Michigan.1
Census 18801 June 1880Jane Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Spencer, Kent County, Michigan. Census Details: (information collected on 11 Jun 1880), Line Number 15, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 189, Lebins Landing, age 40, male, white, widow, farmer, he was born in Michigan, both his parents were born in England, all three children born in Michigan, Jane Landing, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, Perry Landing, age 9, male, white, son, single, Wiliam, age 6, male, white, son, single.1


  1. [S1124] 1880 U.S. Census, Kent County, Michigan, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 110, Page 19, Line Number 15, Image 19, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 184, Jane Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 18 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Perry Landing

M, #1348, b. 1871
Last Edited 18 August 2020


FatherLebins Landing (b. 1840)
Mother?????? ??????

Life Events

Birth1871Perry Landing was born in 1871 in Michigan.1
Census 18801 June 1880Perry Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Spencer, Kent County, Michigan. Census Details: (information collected on 11 Jun 1880), Line Number 15, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 189, Lebins Landing, age 40, male, white, widow, farmer, he was born in Michigan, both his parents were born in England, all three children born in Michigan, Jane Landing, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, Perry Landing, age 9, male, white, son, single, Wiliam, age 6, male, white, son, single.1


  1. [S1125] 1880 U.S. Census, Kent County, Michigan, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 110, Page 19, Line Number 15, Image 19, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 184, Perry Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 18 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Wiliam Landing

M, #1349, b. 1874
Last Edited 18 August 2020


FatherLebins Landing (b. 1840)
Mother?????? ??????

Life Events

Birth1874Wiliam Landing was born in 1874 in Michigan.1
Census 18801 June 1880Wiliam Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Spencer, Kent County, Michigan. Census Details: (information collected on 11 Jun 1880), Line Number 15, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 189, Lebins Landing, age 40, male, white, widow, farmer, he was born in Michigan, both his parents were born in England, all three children born in Michigan, Jane Landing, age 11, female, white, daughter, single, Perry Landing, age 9, male, white, son, single, Wiliam, age 6, male, white, son, single.1


  1. [S1126] 1880 U.S. Census, Kent County, Michigan, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 110, Page 19, Line Number 15, Image 19, Dwelling ID 180, Family ID 184, Wiliam Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 18 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Thomas P Landing

M, #1350, b. 1846
Last Edited 18 August 2020


MotherMargaret E (b. 1808)

Spouse: Pamela J ?????? (b. 1850)

SonRobert A Landing (b. 1867)
SonJoe F Landing (b. 1870)
DaughterGeorgia A Landing (b. 1873)
DaughterDora J Landing (b. 1875)
DaughterLura A Landing (b. 1877)

Life Events

Birth1846Thomas P Landing was born in 1846 in Georgia.1
Marriageabout 1863He and Pamela J ?????? were married about 1863.2
Census 18801 June 1880Thomas P Landing was listed in the census of 1880 in Precinct 1, Suwannee County, Florida. Census Details: (information collected on 26 Jun 1880), Line Number 26, Dwelling ID , Family ID 157, Thomas P Landing, age 34, male, white, married, farmer, cannot read or write, he and his mom born in Georgia, everyone else born in Florida, Pamela J Landing, age 30, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, cannot write, Robert A Landing, age 13, white, male, son, single, works on farm, Joe F Landing, age 10, white, male, son, single, Georgia A Landing, age 7, white, female, single, daughter, Dora J Landing, age 5, white, female, daughter, single, Lura A Landing, age 3, white, female, daughter, single, Margaret E Landingm age 72, white, female, mother, widowed, at home.1


  1. [S1106] 1880 U.S. Census, Suwannee County, Florida, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 146, Page 18, Line Number 26, Image 11, Dwelling ID , Family ID 157, Thomas P Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 18 Aug 2020)
  2. [S1107] 1880 U.S. Census, Suwannee County, Florida, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) E.D. No. ED 146, Page 18, Line Number 26, Image 11, Dwelling ID , Family ID 157, Pamela J Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 18 Aug 2020)