"Where Did We Come From?"
Last Edited | 12 February 2019 |
Father | Jno Johnson |
Mother | Susan A ?????? |
Birth | about 1867 | John W Johnson was born about 1867 ---------------------------------------------------------- 31 Jan 98 From Salisbury Library, Salisbury, MD "Marriage Records of Accomack County, VA 1854 - 1895" (Recorded in Licenses & Minister's Returns) by Barry W. Miles & Moody K. Miles III --- JOHNSON John W, 24, S, Oysterman, Montgomery Co MD, Acc s/o Jno & Susan A to Elsie Landing, 19, S, Acc, Acc d/o A C & Margaret on 21 Feb 1886 at Tangier Island by CS Baker ----------------------------------------------------------.1 |
Marriage | 21 February 1886 | He and Elsie Landing were married on 21 February 1886 in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia, Johnson John W, age 24, single, Oysterman, born Montgomery County, Maryland, living in Accomack County, MD, son of Jno & Susan A to Elsie Landing, age 19 , single, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA, daughter of A C & Margaret on 21 Feb 1886 at Tangier Island by CS Baker.2,3 |
Last Edited | 4 April 2018 |
Michael Landing MD #3 Lineage | Arthur C Landing2, Ezekiel Landing1, Michael Landing0 |
Included in the following Family Descendants Charts: | Michael Landing Descendants |
Father | Arthur C Landing (b. about 1841, d. 18 September 1886) |
Mother | Margaret J Thomas (b. about 1846) |
Birth | about 1867 | Elsie Landing was born about 1867 in Accomack County, Virginia, ---------------------------------------------------------- 31 Jan 98 From Salisbury Library, Salisbury, MD "Marriage Records of Accomack County, VA 1854 - 1895" (Recorded in Licenses & Minister's Returns) by Barry W. Miles & Moody K. Miles III --- JOHNSON John W, 24, S, Oysterman, Montgomery Co MD, Acc s/o Jno & Susan A to Elsie Landing, 19, S, Acc, Acc d/o A C & Margaret on 21 Feb 1886 at Tangier Island by CS Baker ----------------------------------------------------------.1 |
Marriage | 21 February 1886 | She and John W Johnson were married on 21 February 1886 in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia, Johnson John W, age 24, single, Oysterman, born Montgomery County, Maryland, living in Accomack County, MD, son of Jno & Susan A to Elsie Landing, age 19 , single, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA, daughter of A C & Margaret on 21 Feb 1886 at Tangier Island by CS Baker.2,3 |
Alternate Name | 21 February 1886 | As of 21 February 1886, Elsie Landing was also known as Elsie Johnson. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Son | John W Johnson (b. about 1867) |
Marriage | Jno Johnson and Susan A ?????? were married. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Son | John W Johnson (b. about 1867) |
Marriage | Susan A ?????? and Jno Johnson were married. |
Alternate Name | Susan A ?????? was also known as Susan A Johnson. |
Last Edited | 14 March 2018 |
Michael Landing MD #3 Lineage | Arthur C Landing2, Ezekiel Landing1, Michael Landing0 |
Included in the following Family Descendants Charts: | Michael Landing Descendants |
Father | Arthur C Landing (b. about 1841, d. 18 September 1886) |
Mother | Margaret J Thomas (b. about 1846) |
Birth | 15 March 1879 | Edward L Landing was born on 15 March 1879 at St George's Parish (includes Tangier Island) in Accomack County, VA, Landing, Edward, white, male, 15 Mar 1879, in St Geo. No 2, son of Landing, Arthur C., sailor living in Acc, & Margaret, Thomas, Wm S., Uncle gave info.1 |
Marriage | 26 March 1902 | He and Mary S Evans were married on 26 March 1902 at Wilmington Conference in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia.2 |
Last Edited | 16 August 2020 |
Michael Landing MD #3 Lineage | Arthur C Landing2, Ezekiel Landing1, Michael Landing0 |
Included in the following Family Descendants Charts: | Michael Landing Descendants |
Father | Arthur C Landing (b. about 1841, d. 18 September 1886) |
Mother | Margaret J Thomas (b. about 1846) |
Birth | 19 February 1866 | Ellen Lee Landing was born on 19 February 1866 in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia.1 |
Census 1870 | 1 June 1870 | Ellen Lee Landing was listed in the census of 1870 in Accomack County, Virginia. Census Details: (information collected on 24 Aug 1870), Line Number 29, Dwelling ID 1670, Family ID 1710, A C Landing, age 35, male, white, Oysterman, real estate value $400, personal estate value $175, everyone born in Virginia, A.C. and Marg't cannot write, Margaret Landing, age 24, female, white, keeping house, Elcey Lee Landing, age 6. female, white, John Landing, age 2, male, white.2 |
Alternate Name | 1 June 1870 | As of 1 June 1870, Ellen Lee Landing was also known as Elcey Lee Landing.2 |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Father | George Whitaker (b. 2 March 1907, d. 27 May 1993) |
Mother | Mildred Leona Landing (b. 28 April 1917, d. 14 April 2009) |
Last Edited | 30 March 2018 |
Father | Stephen Hickman |
Daughter | Mary Hickman+ (b. circa 1834, d. circa 1903) |
Daughter | Sally Hickman (b. May 1844) |
Marriage | 25 December 1826 | Edward Hickman and Polly Fitchett were married on 25 December 1826 in Accomack County, Virginia.1 |
Alternate Name | 25 December 1826 | As of 25 December 1826, Edward Hickman was also known as Edmund Hickman.1 |
Last Edited | 15 January 2017 |
Father | William Fitchett |
Daughter | Mary Hickman+ (b. circa 1834, d. circa 1903) |
Daughter | Sally Hickman (b. May 1844) |
Marriage | 25 December 1826 | Polly Fitchett and Edward Hickman were married on 25 December 1826 in Accomack County, Virginia.1 |
Alternate Name | Polly Fitchett was also known as Polly Hickman. |
Last Edited | 16 August 2020 |
Father | James H Landing (b. about 1836, d. before 1 June 1870) |
Mother | Mary Jane Ayres (b. about 1842) |
Birth | about 1862 | Adaline Landing was born about 1862 in Accomack County, VA.1,2 |
Marriage | 17 December 1879 | She and George B Groton were married on 17 December 1879 in Modest Town, Accomack County, VA, GROTON George B, 21, S, Farmer, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA son of William & Margt to Adaline Landing,, 17, S, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA daughter of Jamess & Mary on 17 Dec 1879 at Modest Town by J W Hundley.1,3 |
Death | 2 March 1913 | She died on 2 March 1913, at age ~51, in Metompkin District, Accomack County, Virginia, Adaline Groton died on 2 Mar 1913 in the Metompkin District of Accomack County, Virginia. She was married at the time of her death. She was 52 years old and a housewife. Her father's last name was listed as Landing and his birth place was listed as Virginia. No name was listed for her mother but her mother's birth place was listed as Virginia. No date of birth was listed. She was buried on 3 Mar 1913 in the Groton Cemetery in Temperanceville, Virginia. |
Burial | 3 March 1913 | She was buried on 3 March 1913 at Groton Cemetery in Temperanceville, Accomack County, Virginia. |
Census 1870 | 1 June 1870 | Adaline Landing was listed in the census of 1870 in Metompkin, Accomack County, Virginia. Census Details: (information collected on 13 Jul 1870), Line Number 29, Dwelling ID 337, Family ID 361, James Ayers, age 50, male, white, farmer, personal estate value $150, everyone born in Virginia, James Jr Ayres, age 22, male, white, farm labore, Margaret Ayres, age 20, female, white, keeping house, William Ayres, age 2, male, white, Amber Ayres, age 24, female, white, without occupation, Mary Landing, age 28, female, white, house keeper, Adeline Landing, age 7, female, white, Alicia Landingm age 6, female, white.2 |
Alternate Name | 1 June 1870 | As of 1 June 1870, Adaline Landing was also known as Adeline Landing.2 |
Alternate Name | 17 December 1879 | As of 17 December 1879, Adaline Landing was also known as Adaline Groton. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Father | William Groton |
Mother | Margt ?????? |
Birth | about 1858 | George B Groton was born about 1858 in Accomack County, VA.1 |
Marriage | 17 December 1879 | He and Adaline Landing were married on 17 December 1879 in Modest Town, Accomack County, VA, GROTON George B, 21, S, Farmer, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA son of William & Margt to Adaline Landing,, 17, S, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA daughter of Jamess & Mary on 17 Dec 1879 at Modest Town by J W Hundley.1,2 |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Son | George B Groton (b. about 1858) |
Marriage | William Groton and Margt ?????? were married. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Son | George B Groton (b. about 1858) |
Marriage | Margt ?????? and William Groton were married. |
Alternate Name | Margt ?????? was also known as Margt Groton. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Son | Charlie Landon (b. 1901) |
Daughter | Amanda Landon (b. 1903) |
Daughter | Nina B. Landon (b. 1907) |
Birth | about 1881 | Mary Jane Cooper was born about 1881. |
Marriage | 29 April 1900 | She and Joshua T Landing were married on 29 April 1900 at Wilmington Confe in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia. |
Alternate Name | 29 April 1900 | As of 29 April 1900, Mary Jane Cooper was also known as Mary Jane Landing. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Birth | about 1880 | Mary S Evans was born about 1880. |
Marriage | 26 March 1902 | She and Edward L Landing were married on 26 March 1902 at Wilmington Conference in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia.1 |
Alternate Name | 26 March 1902 | As of 26 March 1902, Mary S Evans was also known as Mary S Landing. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Son | John W Marshall (b. about 1850) |
Marriage | Stephen Marshall and Patience ?????? were married. |
Last Edited | 28 September 2014 |
Son | John W Marshall (b. about 1850) |
Marriage | Patience ?????? and Stephen Marshall were married. |
Alternate Name | Patience ?????? was also known as Patience Marshall. |
Last Edited | 6 April 2018 |
Father | Zaddock Taylor |
Mother | Sally A |
Birth | about 1833 | Oliver Taylor was born about 1833.1 |
Marriage | 10 April 1864 | He and Sally A Chesser were married on 10 April 1864 in Accomack County, Virginia, Taylor Oliver L, age 25, single, son of Zadock & Rachel to Sally A Chesser, age 22, single, daughter of Henry & Sally, lic: 10 Apr 1864, marr. 10 Apr 1864 at Accomack.1 |
Marriage | 31 December 1872 | He and Mary Jane Ayres were married on 31 December 1872 in Temp'ville, Accomack County, Virginia, TAYLOR Oliver L, age 39, Widow, farmer, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA, son of Zaddock & Rachel to Mary Landing, age 31, widow, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA, daughter of James and Polly Ayres on 31 Dec 1872 at Temp'ville by M Oldham.1,2 |
Last Edited | 16 August 2020 |
Father | James H Landing (b. about 1836, d. before 1 June 1870) |
Mother | Mary Jane Ayres (b. about 1842) |
Birth | about 1864 | Elishea Ann Landing was born about 1864 in Accomack County, Virginia.1 |
Marriage | 19 May 1892 | She and John W Marshall were married on 19 May 1892 at Temp'ville in Accomack County, Virginia, Marshall John W age 42 single Waterman, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA, son of Stephen & Patience to Elishea Ann Landing, age 30, single, born in Accomack County, VA, living in Accomack County, VA, daughter of John and Mary on 19 May 1892 at Temp'ville by JW Nicholson.1,2 |
Death | 29 April 1938 | She died on 29 April 1938, at age ~74, in Mearsville, Accomack County, Virginia, The Commonwealth of Virginia Death Certificate for the town of Mearsville, Accomack County states that Leshia A Marshall died on April 29, 1938, her husband was J. W. Marshall, her father was James Landing of Accomack County, Virginia and her mother was Mary Ayres of Accomack County, Virginia. She was buried in the Groton Cemetery on May 1, 1938.3 |
Burial | 1 May 1938 | She was buried on 1 May 1938 at Groton Cemetery in Hallwood, Accomack County, Virginia, Find A Grave Link.4 |
Census 1870 | 1 June 1870 | Elishea Ann Landing was listed in the census of 1870 in Metompkin, Accomack County, Virginia. Census Details: (information collected on 13 Jul 1870), Line Number 29, Dwelling ID 337, Family ID 361, James Ayers, age 50, male, white, farmer, personal estate value $150, everyone born in Virginia, James Jr Ayres, age 22, male, white, farm labore, Margaret Ayres, age 20, female, white, keeping house, William Ayres, age 2, male, white, Amber Ayres, age 24, female, white, without occupation, Mary Landing, age 28, female, white, house keeper, Adeline Landing, age 7, female, white, Alicia Landingm age 6, female, white.5 |
Alternate Name | 1 June 1870 | As of 1 June 1870, Elishea Ann Landing was also known as Alicia Landing.5 |
Last Edited | 12 February 2019 |
Michael Landing MD #3 Lineage | Joshua T Landing3, Arthur C Landing2, Ezekiel Landing1, Michael Landing0 |
Included in the following Family Descendants Charts: | Michael Landing Descendants |
Father | Joshua T Landing (b. 24 December 1872) |
Mother | Hester A Parkes [Parks] (b. about 1872, d. 21 September 1898) |
Birth | 16 August 1896 | Lolia Landing was born on 16 August 1896 at Wilmington Conference in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia.1 |
Marriage | 6 January 1915 | She and Geroge E Parks were married on 6 January 1915 in Accomack County, Virginia, Lola V Landing and George E. Parks were married on 6 Jan 1915 in Accomack County, Virginia. George was born in 1895 and was 20 years old. Lola was born in 1897 and was 18 years old. Lola's father was Joshua S. Landing and her mother was Hester Landing. George's father was William S. Parks and his mother was Ella M. Parks. The marital status for both of them was single.2 |
Last Edited | 13 March 2018 |
Michael Landing MD #3 Lineage | Custis M Landing3, Arthur C Landing2, Ezekiel Landing1, Michael Landing0 |
Included in the following Family Descendants Charts: | Michael Landing Descendants |
Father | Custis M Landing (b. 13 July 1861, d. 11 April 1917) |
Mother | Fanton "Fannie" J Crockett (b. about 1876, d. after 11 April 1917) |
Birth | 13 April 1903 | Oscar James Landing was born on 13 April 1903 in Tangier Island, Accomack County, Virginia. |
Last Edited | 30 December 2019 |
Son | Son #2 Landing |
Son | Son #3 Landing |
Daughter | Daughter #1 Landing |
Daughter | Daughter #2 Landing |
Daughter | Daughter #3 Landing |
Son | Lars Moldrup Landing+ (b. 10 June 1864, d. 20 July 1942) |
Marriage | about 1864 | Hans Landing and Ingebor ?????? were married about 1864.1 |
Last Edited | 22 August 2020 |
Son | Son #2 Landing |
Son | Son #3 Landing |
Daughter | Daughter #1 Landing |
Daughter | Daughter #2 Landing |
Daughter | Daughter #3 Landing |
Son | Lars Moldrup Landing+ (b. 10 June 1864, d. 20 July 1942) |
Son | Hans M. Hogin (b. 1876) |
Son | Oscor Hogin (b. 1877) |
Marriage | about 1864 | Ingebor ?????? and Hans Landing were married about 1864.1 |
Marriage | about 1875 | She and Cornelius Hogin were married about 1875.2 |
Alternate Name | about 1864 | As of about 1864, Ingebor ?????? was also known as Ingebor Landing.1 |
Alternate Name | about 1864 | As of about 1864, Ingebor ?????? was also known as Issabella Landing.1 |
Alternate Name | about 1875 | As of about 1875, Ingebor ?????? was also known as Ingebor Hogin.1 |
Census 1880 | 1 June 1880 | She was listed in the census of 1880 in Stony Run, Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota. Census Details: (information collected on 11 Jun 1880), Line Number 13, Dwelling ID 75, Family ID 76, Cornelius Hogin, age 35, male, white, married, farmer, Cornelius and his parents born in Norway, Issabella Hogin, age 38, female, white, wife, married, keeping house, Issabella and her parents born in Norway, Maldrop Landing, age 15, male, white, stepson, single, assisting on farm, Maldrop and his parents were born in Norway, Hans M Hogin, age 4, male, white, single, at home, Hans was born in Minnesota and his parents were born in Norway, Oscor Hogin, age 3, male, white, single, at home, Oscor was born in Minnesota and his parents were born in Norway.1 |
Alternate Name | 1 June 1880 | As of 1 June 1880, Ingebor ?????? was also known as Issabella Hogin. |