Landing Web Site

"Where Did We Come From?"



Person Page 122

Family Chart

Abby Landing

F, #3026, b. about 1844
Last Edited 2 August 2020


FatherPeter Landing (b. about 1804)
MotherEllen ?????? (b. about 1804)

Life Events

Birthabout 1844Abby Landing was born about 1844 in Ireland.1
Census 18501 June 1850Abby Landing was listed in the census of 1850 in Providence, ward 1, Providence, Rhode Island. Census Details: dwelling 550, family 764, line number 5, Peter Landing, age 46, male, white, laborer, everyone born in Ireland, Ellen Landing, age 46, female, white, Eleanor Landing, age 19, female, white, Peter Landing, age 17, male, white, laborer, Marie Landing, age 14, female, white, Abby Landing, age 6, female, white.1


  1. [S843] 1850 U.S. Census, ward 1, Providence, Rhode Island, population schedule, left side of page 45, image 88, dwelling 550, family 764, line number 9, Abby Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 2 Aug 2020)

Henry Landing

M, #3027, b. about 1829
Last Edited 3 August 2020

Life Events

Birthabout 1829Henry Landing was born about 1829 in Germany.
Census 18501 June 1850Henry Landing was listed in the census of 1850 in St Louis, 6th Ward, St Louis, Missouri. Census Details: dwelling 1159, family 1766, line number 52, John Wolfe, age 41, male, white, merchant, all born in Germany, Theresa Wolf, age 23, female, Henry Landing, age 21, male, white.1


  1. [S856] 1850 U.S. Census, 6th Ward, St Louis, population schedule, right side page 414, image 104, dwelling 1159, family 1766, line number 52, Henry Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 3 Aug 2020)

Michal Landing

M, #3028, b. about 1828
Last Edited 3 August 2020

Life Events

Birthabout 1828Michal Landing was born about 1828 in Ireland.
Census 18501 June 1850Michal Landing was listed in the census of 1850 in Mount Sterling, Boone, Illinois. Census Details: dwelling 25, family 27, line number 1, John M Adams, age 20, male, white, carpenter, born in Kentuckty, MC Adams, age 23, female, born in Kentucky, Michal Landing, age 22, male, white, carpenter, born in Ireland.1


  1. [S857] 1850 U.S. Census, Boone, Illinois, population schedule, left side of page 98, image 4, dwelling 25, family 27, line number 1, Michal Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 3 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Milton Landing

M, #3029, b. about 1826
Last Edited 3 August 2020

Spouse: Isabller ?????? (b. about 1826)

SonPerry Landing (b. about 1849)

Life Events

Birthabout 1826Milton Landing was born about 1826 in New York.1
Marriageabout 1849He and Isabller ?????? were married about 1849.1
Census 18501 June 1850Milton Landing was listed in the census of 1850 in Boston, Erie County, New York. Census Details: dwelling 318, family 320, line number 20.1


  1. [S862] 1850 U.S. Census, Erie County, New York, population schedule, right side page 23. image 43, dwelling 318, family 320, line number 20, Milton Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 3 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Isabller ??????

F, #3030, b. about 1826
Last Edited 3 August 2020

Spouse: Milton Landing (b. about 1826)

SonPerry Landing (b. about 1849)

Life Events

Birthabout 1826Isabller ?????? was born about 1826 in New York.1
Marriageabout 1849She and Milton Landing were married about 1849.2
Census 18501 June 1850Isabller ?????? was listed in the census of 1850 in Boston, Erie County, New York. Census Details: dwelling 318, family 320, line number 20.1


  1. [S863] 1850 U.S. Census, Erie County, New York, population schedule, right side page 23, image 43, dwelling 318, family 320, line number 20, Isabller Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 3 Aug 2020)
  2. [S862] 1850 U.S. Census, Erie County, New York, population schedule, right side page 23. image 43, dwelling 318, family 320, line number 20, Milton Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 3 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Perry Landing

M, #3031, b. about 1849
Last Edited 3 August 2020


FatherMilton Landing (b. about 1826)
MotherIsabller ?????? (b. about 1826)

Life Events

Birthabout 1849Perry Landing was born about 1849 in New York.1
Census 18501 June 1850Perry Landing was listed in the census of 1850 in Boston, Erie County, New York. Census Details: dwelling 318, family 320, line number 20.1


  1. [S864] 1850 U.S. Census, Erie County, New York, population schedule, right side page 23, image 43, dwelling 318, family 320, line number 20, Perry Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 3 Aug 2020)

Henry Landing

M, #3032, b. about 1835
Last Edited 3 August 2020

Life Events

Birthabout 1835Henry Landing was born about 1835 in New York.1
Census 18501 June 1850Henry Landing was listed in the census of 1850 in Newton Township, Sussex County, New Jersey. Census Details: dwelling 465, family 498, line number 41, Halsted F Townsend, age 46, male, white, farmer, real estate value $3500, born in New York, Jane Townsend, age 37, female, white, Catherine Townsend, age 20, female, white, Henry Landing, age 15, male, white, labourer, born in New York.1


  1. [S867] 1850 U.S. Census, Newton Township, Sussex County, New Jersey, population schedule, left side page 139, image 68, dwelling 465, family 498, line number 41, Henry Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 3 Aug 2020)

Jacob T Landing

M, #3033, b. about 1838
Last Edited 4 August 2020

Life Events

Birthabout 1838Jacob T Landing was born about 1838 in New York.1
Census 18601 June 1860Jacob T Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in 2nd District 16th Ward New York City, New York, New York. Census Details: dwelling 571, household ID 1598, Wm B Silber, age 32, male, professor of lang, real estate value $6500, personal effects value $3500, born in New York, Jane A Silber, age 22, female, Jacob T Landingm age 22, male, Dry Goods Merch, real estate value $5000.1


  1. [S869] 1860 U.S. Census, New York, New York, population schedule, Page 225, Household ID 1598, Jacob T Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 4 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Mathias Landing

M, #3034, b. about 1805
Last Edited 6 August 2020

Spouse: Catharine ?????? (b. 1821)

DaughterMargaret Landing (b. about 1840)
DaughterMaria Landing (b. about 1842)
DaughterCerintha Landing (b. about 1847)
DaughterRozena Landing (b. about 1849)
DaughterElizabeth Landing (b. about 1852)
SonFranklin Landing (b. about 1854)
SonWalter Landing (b. about 1857)
SonMathias Landing (b. about 1860)

Life Events

Birthabout 1805Mathias Landing was born about 1805 in Ohio.1
Marriageabout 1840He and Catharine ?????? were married about 1840.1
Census 18601 June 1860Mathias Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S870] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Mathias Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 4 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Catharine ??????

F, #3035, b. 1821
Last Edited 6 August 2020

Spouse: Mathias Landing (b. about 1805)

DaughterMargaret Landing (b. about 1840)
DaughterMaria Landing (b. about 1842)
DaughterCerintha Landing (b. about 1847)
DaughterRozena Landing (b. about 1849)
DaughterElizabeth Landing (b. about 1852)
SonFranklin Landing (b. about 1854)
SonWalter Landing (b. about 1857)
SonMathias Landing (b. about 1860)

Life Events

Birth1821Catharine ?????? was born in 1821 in Ohio.1
Marriageabout 1840She and Mathias Landing were married about 1840.2
Census 18601 June 1860Catharine ?????? was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S871] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Catharine Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
  2. [S870] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Mathias Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 4 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Margaret Landing

F, #3036, b. about 1840
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1840Margaret Landing was born about 1840 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Margaret Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S872] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Margaret Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Maria Landing

F, #3037, b. about 1842
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1842Maria Landing was born about 1842 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Maria Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S873] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Maria Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Cerintha Landing

F, #3038, b. about 1847
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1847Cerintha Landing was born about 1847 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Cerintha Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S874] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Cerintha Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Rozena Landing

F, #3039, b. about 1849
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1849Rozena Landing was born about 1849 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Rozena Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S875] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Rozena Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Elizabeth Landing

F, #3040, b. about 1852
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1852Elizabeth Landing was born about 1852 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Elizabeth Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S876] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Elizabeth Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Franklin Landing

M, #3041, b. about 1854
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1854Franklin Landing was born about 1854 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Franklin Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S877] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Franklin Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Walter Landing

M, #3042, b. about 1857
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1857Walter Landing was born about 1857 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Walter Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S878] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Walter Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Mathias Landing

M, #3043, b. about 1860
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherMathias Landing (b. about 1805)
MotherCatharine ?????? (b. 1821)

Life Events

Birthabout 1860Mathias Landing was born about 1860 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Mathias Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1260, Household ID 1229, image 15 and 16, Mathias Landing, age 55, male, farmer, real estate value $700, personal estate value $100, everyone born in Ohio except Catharine who was born in Virginia, Catharine Landing, age 39, female, Margaret Landing, age 20, female, Maria Landing, age 18, female, Cerintha Landing, age 13, female, Rozena Landing, age 11, female, Elizabeth Landing, age 8, female, Franklin Landing, age 6, male, Walter Landing, age 3, male, Mathias Landing, age 7 months.1


  1. [S879] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1229, Mathias Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

George Landing

M, #3044, b. about 1813
Last Edited 6 August 2020

Spouse: Casai ?????? (b. about 1834)

SonLeverett Landing (b. about 1852)
DaughterAlice Landing (b. about 1854)
DaughterLucetta Landing (b. about 1856)

Life Events

Birthabout 1813George Landing was born about 1813 in Ohio.1
Marriageabout 1842He and Casai ?????? were married about 1842.2
Census 18601 June 1860George Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1259, Family ID 1228, George Landing, age 47, male, real estate value, $1500, personal estate value: $1100, all were born in Ohio, Casai Landing, age 26, female, Leverett Landing, age 8, male, Alice, age 6, female, Lucetta Landing, age 4, female.1


  1. [S880] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1228, George Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
  2. [S881] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1228, Casai Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Casai ??????

F, #3045, b. about 1834
Last Edited 6 August 2020

Spouse: George Landing (b. about 1813)

SonLeverett Landing (b. about 1852)
DaughterAlice Landing (b. about 1854)
DaughterLucetta Landing (b. about 1856)

Life Events

Birthabout 1834Casai ?????? was born about 1834 in Ohio.1
Marriageabout 1842She and George Landing were married about 1842.1
Alternate Nameabout 1842As of about 1842, Casai ?????? was also known as Casai Landing.1
Census 18601 June 1860She was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1259, Family ID 1228, George Landing, age 47, male, real estate value, $1500, personal estate value: $1100, all were born in Ohio, Casai Landing, age 26, female, Leverett Landing, age 8, male, Alice, age 6, female, Lucetta Landing, age 4, female.1


  1. [S881] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1228, Casai Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Leverett Landing

M, #3046, b. about 1852
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherGeorge Landing (b. about 1813)
MotherCasai ?????? (b. about 1834)

Life Events

Birthabout 1852Leverett Landing was born about 1852 in Ohio.
Census 18601 June 1860Leverett Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1259, Family ID 1228, George Landing, age 47, male, real estate value, $1500, personal estate value: $1100, all were born in Ohio, Casai Landing, age 26, female, Leverett Landing, age 8, male, Alice, age 6, female, Lucetta Landing, age 4, female.1


  1. [S882] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1228, Leverett Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Alice Landing

F, #3047, b. about 1854
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherGeorge Landing (b. about 1813)
MotherCasai ?????? (b. about 1834)

Life Events

Birthabout 1854Alice Landing was born about 1854 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Alice Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1259, Family ID 1228, George Landing, age 47, male, real estate value, $1500, personal estate value: $1100, all were born in Ohio, Casai Landing, age 26, female, Leverett Landing, age 8, male, Alice, age 6, female, Lucetta Landing, age 4, female.1


  1. [S883] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1228, Alice Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)
Family Chart

Lucetta Landing

F, #3048, b. about 1856
Last Edited 6 August 2020


FatherGeorge Landing (b. about 1813)
MotherCasai ?????? (b. about 1834)

Life Events

Birthabout 1856Lucetta Landing was born about 1856 in Ohio.1
Census 18601 June 1860Lucetta Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio. Census Details: Dwelling 1259, Family ID 1228, George Landing, age 47, male, real estate value, $1500, personal estate value: $1100, all were born in Ohio, Casai Landing, age 26, female, Leverett Landing, age 8, male, Alice, age 6, female, Lucetta Landing, age 4, female.1


  1. [S884] 1860 U.S. Census, Meigs County, Ohio, population schedule, Page 168, Household ID 1228, Lucetta Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)

Joseph Landing

M, #3049, b. about 1832
Last Edited 6 August 2020

Life Events

Birthabout 1832Joseph Landing was born about 1832 in Maryland.1
Census 18601 June 1860Joseph Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Bonhomme Township, St Louis County, Missouri. Census Details: Dwelling 181, Family 172, John S Brickey, age 65, male, farmer, born in Virginia, Joseph Landing, age 28, male, farm laborer, born in Maryland.1


  1. [S885] 1860 U.S. Census, St Louis County, Missouri, population schedule, Page 24, Household ID 172, Joseph Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)

Hariet Landing

F, #3050, b. about 1843
Last Edited 6 August 2020

Life Events

Birthabout 1843Hariet Landing was born about 1843 in New York.1
Census 18601 June 1860Hariet Landing was listed in the census of 1860 in Scipio, Cayuga County, New York. Census Details: Dwelling ID 179, Family ID 177, William Bancroft, age 46, male, white, farmer, real estate value $3000, personal estate value $1,000, born in New York, Cormealia Bancroft, age 30, female, white, housekeeper, born in Ohio, Hariet Landing, age 17, female, white, domestic, born in New York.1


  1. [S889] 1860 U.S. Census, Cayuga County, New York, population schedule, Page 23, Dwelling ID Family ID 177, Hariet Landing; digital image, ( : Accessed online 6 Aug 2020)